Saturday, January 4, 2014

Some art I made of a hat, shoes, and a skate trick.

Eric's Art Creative - Tiger hat
Hello. I made the design on these shoes. I tie dyed them first, then abstract paint blotted them, then I use sparkle glue. It reminds me of New Years glitter! Then I made this tiger hat from my old bear hat pattern. The pattern is the most important part of a fashion design. The assemblage is by hand. There are shoe laces at the bottom of ear flaps to secure the hat. The "ears" are on the top and only there to help in looking like a tiger. Then I went to the skate park with my fashionable gear on! The obstacle I was skating gotten wet because the sprinklers came on. Everything gotten wet, even my skateboard. Then my camera was wet also, and malfunctioned completely. I have to get a new camera, now. This is my 7th basic camera I've had. Well, in any case, I hope to take care of more things in the morrow. Sincerely, Eric M. Rangel

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