Friday, August 9, 2013

Children's Books and my Bird & Worm Artist Statements

 The first childrens art were drawn, water colored, and even engraved. the First childrens book came in England about hte middle of the eighteenth century. Thomas Boreman wrote in 1740's, then John Newbery, Francis Newberys and Elizabeth Newbery, John Marshall, the firm of Darton and Harvey, and John Harris. At the end of that century Thomas Bewick was the first man in modern times to earn a living from illustrating books and many of his books being for children. Also there was Wiliam Blake whom made,"Songs of Innocence".
 In the very beging the was Aesop year 1476. Also the Gesta Romanorum in Dutch, year 1481. Though the earliest know printed book for children Les Contenances de la table from Lyon, France, year 1487. There was also Perraults' Contes de ma Mere L'Oye wich is "Mother Goose". In existance are the first prited ABC's and grammers, the first miniature Bible for children, Tom Thumb. Tom thumb, that of wich is the earliest surviving printed english nursery tale. Later books are: A Christmas Carol, Lear's Book of Nonsense, saint-Exupery's Le Petit Prince. The most promenent being Beatrix Potter books, Alice Adventures in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Pinocchio.
 Currently these types of books are in distiguished libraries such as The Pierpont Morgan Library whom belongs to J.P. Morgan, the Oppenheimer's library, the Osbourne Collection of early English children's books library in Toronto, and the Rosenbach Collection of early American children's books in Philadelphia.
 In the eighteenth century a greater emphasis was placed toward children about education a preparing them for a future plave in society. The kind of education was: book-keeping, clerical hand writing, English language, foreign language, mathematics, navigation, serveying, geography, and the use of the globe. It was education for a more comercial world. Though some also taught: social deportment, music, dancing, drawing, and fencing for boys. John Locke wrote,"some thoughts concerning Education" in 1694. "J.G." published a play book for children to allure them to read as soon as they could speak plain. John Newberry made Little Pretty Pocket Book in 1744 by Tom Telescope. It was a simple book explaining complex ideas as well a the book, A Meuseum. His fammilly and himself made a lot of books. A lot of books in one advertisment were science books. Medicines were often advertised in childrens books. By the 1800 childrens books became very inexpensive. Middle class parents had began to buy childrens books in quantity. From 1700 onwards there were more and more attractions for the amusements of kids. At the same time music and art supplies as well as teachers to teach kids about them. Visually it was a way more exciting time for kids. Indoor games and out door activities, as well as playing cards were available more then ever. This lead to educational games. Then by 1780's toy shops were often found. The most positively perminent effect of the revolution was that of successfully combinding text and illustration that still proves true till this day.

  Artist Statement:

 My name is Eric M. Rangel. I grew up in Hayward, California. It is a great place to live. I enjoy art in many different ways and styles. The childrens books I created, are illustrated through graphic design as the books primary medium. At first the illustraions are drawn in pencil, inked, added color with makers, then scanned into the computer for the graphic art process.
 I came up with the idea's for my book by wanting to share the life forms that I have seen in my environment and those that I would like to study around the world. My idea then was to create simple books that beginner readers could understand and help associate the pictures with the words. The books are narrated by Bird and Worm or named "Andy" and "Sam". They always have the first and last words in the books(well, 2 out of three so far).
 I love this idea of the Bird and Worm book because it has the poential to explore around the world and teach kids about the life that is on the Earth, that may not be in that region. The internet has made this potential exponential and interactive. Keeping it fun, meaningful, and interesting! My goal is to help the kids understand the importance of the life and our environment in wich we all live and to have fun! 
March 4, 2012

 The second book I created is Bird & Worm: Plante on the Farm. It is produced first in pencil, ink, marker, then illustrated on the computer. The book is intended for anybody really. The book is about vegetables, fruits, and seeds grown on the Farm. On the right hand side of the book will are the illustrated food grown on the farm. On the left are short sentences discribing the food, and below it a recipe that is easy for the kids and will let the parents be an advocate to healthy food choices. A grown up will have to help with the recipes though it is fun for all ages and hopefully will help the kids find out if they have an interest in being a Chef.
 It like for it is a pocket size book, with a with different covers to choose from, with a "Perfect" binding. So far I am working with a site called, "Blurb" and it has been a lot of fun! 
Apri 23, 2012

 My latest Bird & Worm Book is about coloring the baby farm animals in, so is tittled, "Baby Farm Aniamls, A Coloring Book." I had to think of what is next. I usually have time inbetween making my books to refresh, though when I felt it was time (so way long over do), I had to put my new concept to use. Coloring Books are not a new concept, but for me it was. I liked it actually from the get go because of how simple I thought it should be to create. For the most part it was. Though I love Animals and Books, I had to treat it more like a job. I kind of like that aspect but then again I would like to do my art in a lazy fair kind of manner. That is just not the case, in as much as I would like it to be. I have to try my best, and that means using a lot of concetration and effort. It is fun! It is different for me to use graphic design (vector) then to use marker obviously, though I opt for graphic instead of say water color because I feel that is a more sure fire way to make my art more satisfactory and more embraced from a larger audience. I am working with a site called, "Blurb." It is a great place for D.I.Y. book makers to go! I love to use it and am very greatful as well. I need to non the less learn how to use it more properly. When I create my art in my virtual graphic design studio, the page numbers, the art, and the text line up and are properly placed. When I transfer the work to the website, my work end result is not as great when I have it in my studio. It is not the sites fault. I have to learn have to use its' many tools and attributes. I just am always so anxious to get 'er done, that I sacrafice the end quality. I have fun when all is said and done. The Baby Farm Animals I used are from my local environment or I have seen at least once. Often they are part of my environment and play a role in the local eco system. They are indeginous to the area. So I figure give the kids something to do. Such as my growing niece and nephew whom love to draw and color very often. As do lots of kids. They draw anywhere they can sometimes, even on the walls inside the house. I think better in a book then on furniture in the house. Kids can be a handful. For the most part if they have something in front of them to keep them busy, they are golden. My books usually teach something that is very basic and elementary such as what the baby name for a particular animal is and what color they might be. Just the sight of animals is enough, I think, to get kids or anyone for that matter excited about animals! I love animals and I think, if one gives them a chance, they will too!

July 27, 2013
  In the future I will keep and open eye, mind, heart, and soul, to listen to the next Bird & Worm Book! Till  then, I hope these are good enough.

Thank you very much! Caring, Eric M. Rangel

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